Vladimir Martinovski – Владимир Мартиновски (1974) is poet, prose writer, essay writer, literary critic and translator. He works as a Professor, teaching the subject of Comparative Poetics at the Department of General and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Philology “Blazhe Koneski”, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. He completed his PhD at University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle at 2007. He was the President of the Association of Comparative Literature of Macedonia (2009-2013). He is member of the Executive Board of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. Furthermore, he is a member of the International Comparative Literature Association and Executive Board member of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies. He is member of Macedonian Writers Association and Vice-President of the Macedonian PEN Centre.
Bibliography (books):
From an Image to a Poem: Intersections Between Macedonian Contemporary Poetry and the Fine Arts (a study, 2003); Sea Moon (haiku and tanka, 2003); Hidden Poems (haiku, 2005); And Water and Earth and Fire and Air (haiku, 2006); Comparative Triptychs (studies and essays, 2007); Les Musées Imaginaires, (a study, 2009); The Echo of the Waves (haibuns, 2009); Paintings for Reading – Aspects of Ekphrastic Poetry (a study, 2009); Quartets (poetry, 2010); Comparative Diptychs (studies and essays, 2011); Hurry up and Wait! (prose poems, 2011); A Portrait of a Poet with an Umbrella (selected poetry, 2011); Reverse Profile (selected poetry, 2011); Across Europe (short stories, together with Petra Hulova, Sudabe Mohavez and Kristin Dimitrova, 2012); Before and after the Dance (poetry, 2012); Zoon Poetikon – Aspects of Macedonian Contemporary Poetry (studies and essays, 2013); Real Water (poetry, 2014), Narro ergo sum (studies and essays, 2015), Cat in mist (haibuns, 2016), Inner Mountains (poetry, 2016), Starless Sky (haibuns, 2016), Dream and Awake Poems (poetry, 2017), Poetic (Re)Visions (studies and essays, 2018), Dum spiro spero (poetry for children, 2019), 101 Sonnet from one strange Spring (poetry, 2020), Far away, so close (essays, 2020) and Chess with Bach (poetry for children, 2020).
He has been an (co)editor of the following books: Ut pictura poesis – Poetry in Dialogue with the Fine Arts, Thematic Selection of Macedonian Poetry (together with Nuhi Vinca 2006); Metamorphoses and Metatexts (together with Vesna Tomovska 2008); When the Butterfly Becomes a Poem (together with Lidija Kapushevska – Drakulevska, 2010); Odysseys about the Odyssey (together with Vesna Tomovska, 2010); New Macedonian Haiku Wavе (anthology, 2011), Lyrical Dodecameron (anthology 2012), Literary Dislocations (together with Sonja Stojmenska-Elzeser, 2012), Zen Stories (anthology, 2012); All Faces of Laughter (together with Vesna Tomovska, 2013) and Poetry of Ancient Japan (anthology, 2013).
He is recipient of the following literary awards: First Prize at the Short Story Competition of “Nova Makedonija” (2009); Brother’s Miladinovci Award (awarded by the International Festival Struga Poetry Evenings, 2010); Dimitar Mitrev Award for literary criticism (awarded by Macedonian Writers Association, 2013) and Knight of the written word Prize (2014), Ante’s Coin (2020), The Lyre of Orpheus (2020).
Кога те нема се претворам за час во сончоглед без сонце,
во книга без букви, во дом без врати, во дожд без капки,
во контрабас без жици, во тротинет без предно колце,
во часовник без стрелки, во стих без антички стапки,
во чоколадо без какао, во главен град без булевар,
во жирафа без врат, во оркестар без диригент,
во кондор без перја, во улица без тротоар,
во скулптура без глава и без постамент.
Кога те нема станувам орев без јатка,
пчела без ронка мед или себичен
скакулец без виолина в рака.
А кога сум со тебе сум обичен
човек кој знае да крие вешто
дека порано бил сè и сешто.
Првиот дел од ноќта ни помина
во составување нови соѕвездија
Кога на небото видов „Заспана ластовица“
поита да составиш соѕвездие „Перница“
Кога го препозна соѕвездието „Криво лале“
собрав две-три ѕвезди за негова потпирка
Кога го видов соѕвездието „Јагули“
ми рече дека целото небо е океан
Кога го виде соѕвездието „101 бисер“
ти шепнав: галаксиите се како школки
Кога видовме нови ѕвездени јата им
баравме брзо небесни дрвца за починка
- И кога успеавме конечно да ги вдомиме
сите ѕвезди, комети, метеори и соѕвездија
решивме дека вториот дел од ноќта
и ние можеме да одиме на заслужен одмор
- Утрото почна како секое утро: се погледнавме
како да не знаеме ништо за новите соѕвездија
Од вчера до денес
ми паднаа пет-шест влакна
а веројатно уште толку се побелени
но ретко кој ќе ја забележи промената
Слушајќи го Малер од вчера до денес
внатре многу нешта се променија
небаре сум одживеал една
цела светлосна година
Když tu nejsi za okamžik se přeměňuji v slunečnici bez slunce
v knihu bez písmen, v dům bez dveří, v déšť bez kapek,
v kontrabas beze strun, v koloběžku bez předního kola,
v hodiny bez ručiček, ve verš bez antických stop,
v čokoládu bez kakaa, v hlavní město bez bulváru,
v žirafu bez krku, v orchestr bez dirigenta,
v kondora bez peří, v ulici bez chodníku,
v skulpturu bez hlavy a bez postamentu.
Když tu nejsi stávám se ořechem bez jádra,
včelou bez kapky medu nebo sobeckou
kobylkou bez housliček v ruce.
Když však jsem s tebou jsem obyčejný
člověk, který umí velmi dobře tajit
co vše se může v jeho nitru najít.
První část noci nám uběhla
vytvářením nových souhvězdí
Když jsem na nebi viděl Spící vlašťovku
honem jsi chtěla sestavit souhvězdí Polštář
Když jsi objevila souhvězdí Povadlý tulipán
natrhal jsem pár hvězdiček aby ho podepřely
Když jsem spatřil souhvězdí Úhoře
řeklas mi že celé nebe je oceán
Když jsi uviděla souhvězdí 101 perla
zašeptal jsem ti: galaxie jsou jako škeble
Když jsme zahlédli nové hvězdné roje
sháněli jsme jim nebeské stromky k odpočinku
A když se nám konečně podařilo najít domov
všem hvězdám, kometám, meteorům a souhvězdím
rozhodli jsme se že v druhé části noci
i my si můžeme dopřát zasloužený odpočinek
Ráno začalo jako každé jiné: podívali jsme se na sebe
jako bychom nic nevěděli o nových souhvězdích
Od včerejška do dneška
vypadlo mi nejméně pět vlasů
a nejspíš ještě jednou tolik zešedivělo
ale jen málokdo je schopen všimnout si této změny
Při poslechu Mahlera od včerejška do dneška
v mém nitru se změnilo hodně věcí
jako kdybych prožil jeden
celý světelný rok
When you’re gone, I suddenly turn into a sunflower without the sun,
In a book without letters, home without doors, rain without drops,
A double bass with no strings, a tricycle without the front wheel,
A clock without hands, a verse without an ancient metric foot,
Into chocolate without the cocoa, a city with no boulevard,
A giraffe without a neck, an orchestra with no conductor,
A condor without feathers, a street without a footway,
Into a sculpture with neither a head nor a pedestal.
When you’re gone, I’m a nut without the kernel,
A bee without a drop of honey, or a selfish
Little cricket that’s misplaced its violin.
And when I’m with you, I’m merely
A man who conceals so readily
All the things he used to be.
We spent the first part of the night
Piecing together new constellations
When I saw in the sky a “Sleeping swallow”
You hastened to draw the constellation of the “Pillow”
When you discerned the constellation of the “Bent Tulip”
I gathered a few stars to prop it up
When I saw the glistening of the “Eel” constellation
You told me that the whole sky is one big ocean
When you chanced on the constellation of the “101 Pearls”
I whispered: the galaxies are like oysters
Whenever we saw new flocks of stars
We rushed to find them heavenly trees so they can rest
And when we finally found homes
For all the stars, comets, meteors and constellations
We decided we can take our deserved leave
And rest for the remainder of the night
Next morning began as any other morning: we looked at each other,
As if we knew not of any new constellations
From yesterday till today
I seem to have lost six or seven hairs
And probably as many have turned gray
But hardly anyone will notice the change
Listening to Mahler from yesterday till today
Has made a profound change in me
As though I have lived through
A whole light year
Lorsque tu n’es pas là je deviens sur-le-champ tournesol sans soleil
livre sans mots, pluie sans claquettes, maison sans porte ni fenêtre
foyer sans feu, chien perdu sans collier, printemps sans éveil
trottinette sans roue avant, vers antique sans mètre
chocolat sans cacao, capitale sans boulevard,
girafe sans cou, orchestre sans baguette
condor sans plumes, rue sans trottoir
diable sans queue, hydre sans tête
Lorsque tu n’es pas là, je suis verger sans frondaison
une abeille sans son miel ou une vieille pipe
sans culotte, une cigale sans son violon
Mais quand je suis avec toi je suis un type
ordinaire qui sait cacher habilement
ce qu’il était auparavant
Nous avons passé la première partie de la nuit
à composer de nouvelles constellations
Quand j’ai vu dans le ciel l’Hirondelle endormie
tu t’es hâtée de composer la constellation de l’Oreiller
Quand tu as reconnu la constellation de la Tulipe de travers
j’ai rassemblé deux ou trois étoiles pour lui servir d’appui
Quand j’ai vu la constellation des Anguilles
tu m’as dit que le ciel tout entier était un océan
Quand tu as vu la constellation des Mille et une perles
je t’ai chuchoté : les galaxies sont comme des coquillages
Quand nous avons vu de nouveaux vols d’étoiles nous
leur avons vite cherché des arbres célestes où se poser
Et quand nous avons enfin réussi à trouver une place
pour chaque étoile, comète, météore et constellation
nous avons décidé que la seconde partie de la nuit
nous pouvions prendre nous aussi un repos mérité
- Le matin a débuté comme chaque matin : nous nous sommes regardés
comme si nous ne savions rien des nouvelles constellations.
D’hier à aujourd’hui
j’ai perdu cinq ou six cheveux
et sans doute autant sont devenus blancs
mais rares sont ceux qui remarqueront le changement
À écouter Mahler d’hier à aujourd’hui
bien des choses ont changé en dedans
comme si j’avais vécu
toute une année lumière
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